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Bases: MapLibreBaseModel

Layer properties


See layers for more details on the paint and layout properties of the layers.


Name Type Description
id str

Required. The unique ID of the layer. Defaults to str(uuid4()).

type str | LayerType

Required. The type of the layer.

filter list

A filter expression that is applied to the source of the layer.

layout dict

The layout properties for the layer.

max_zoom int

The maximum zoom level for the layer.

min_zoom int

The minimum zoom level for the layer.

paint dict

The paint properties for the layer.

source str | Source | GeoDataFrame

The name (unique ID) of a source, a source object or a GeoDataFrame to be used for the layer.

source_layer str

The layer to use from a vector tile source.


>>> from maplibre.layer import Layer, LayerType
>>> layer = Layer(id="test-layer", type=LayerType.CIRCLE, source="test-source")
Source code in maplibre/
class Layer(MapLibreBaseModel):
    """Layer properties

        See [layers]( for more details on the
        `paint` and `layout` properties of the layers.

        id (str): **Required.** The unique ID of the layer. Defaults to `str(uuid4())`.
        type (str | LayerType): **Required.** The type of the layer.
        filter (list): A filter expression that is applied to the source of the layer.
        layout (dict): The layout properties for the layer.
        max_zoom (int): The maximum zoom level for the layer.
        min_zoom (int): The minimum zoom level for the layer.
        paint (dict): The paint properties for the layer.
        source (str | Source | GeoDataFrame): The name (unique ID) of a source, a source object or a GeoDataFrame
            to be used for the layer.
        source_layer (str): The layer to use from a vector tile source.

        >>> from maplibre.layer import Layer, LayerType

        >>> layer = Layer(id="test-layer", type=LayerType.CIRCLE, source="test-source")

    id: Optional[str] = Field(default_factory=lambda: str(uuid4()))
    type: LayerType
    filter: Optional[list] = None
    layout: Optional[dict] = None
    max_zoom: Optional[int] = Field(None, serialization_alias="maxzoom")
    metadata: Optional[dict] = None
    min_zoom: Optional[int] = Field(None, serialization_alias="minzoom")
    paint: Optional[dict] = None
    source: Union[str, Source, dict, GeoDataFrame, None] = None
    source_layer: Optional[str] = Field(None, serialization_alias="source-layer")

    # TODO: Use model_post_init and set bounds if source is a GeoDataFrame
    def validate_source(cls, v):
        if GeoDataFrame is not None and isinstance(v, GeoDataFrame):
            return SimpleFeatures(v).to_source().to_dict()

        if isinstance(v, Source):
            return v.to_dict()

        return v

    @field_validator("paint", "layout")
    def fix_paint(cls, v):
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            return fix_keys(v)

        return v

    def bounds(self) -> tuple | None:
            bounds = get_bounds(self.source["data"])
        except Exception as e:
            # print(e)
            bounds = None

        return bounds

    def set_paint_props(self, **props) -> Layer:
        if self.paint is None:
            self.paint = dict()

        self.paint = self.paint | fix_keys(props)
        return self

    def set_layout_props(self, **props) -> Layer:
        if self.layout is None:
            self.layout = dict()

        self.paint = self.paint | fix_keys(props)
        return self


Bases: Enum

Rendering type of layer



    A filled circle.

  • FILL

    A filled polygon with an optional stroked border.


    An extruded polygon.

  • LINE

    A stroked line.


    An icon or a text label.


    Raster map textures such as satellite imagery.


    A heatmap.


    A Client-side hillshading visualization based on DEM data.


    A background color or pattern.

Source code in maplibre/
class LayerType(Enum):
    """Rendering type of layer

        CIRCLE: A filled circle.
        FILL: A filled polygon with an optional stroked border.
        FILL_EXTRUSION: An extruded polygon.
        LINE: A stroked line.
        SYMBOL: An icon or a text label.
        RASTER: Raster map textures such as satellite imagery.
        HEATMAP: A heatmap.
        HILLSHADE: A Client-side hillshading visualization based on DEM data.
        BACKGROUND: A background color or pattern.

    CIRCLE = "circle"
    FILL = "fill"
    FILL_EXTRUSION = "fill-extrusion"
    LINE = "line"
    SYMBOL = "symbol"
    RASTER = "raster"
    HEATMAP = "heatmap"
    HILLSHADE = "hillshade"
    BACKGROUND = "background"