Deck.GL Layers

Deck.GL layers can be added to the map with Map.add_deck_layers.

They are defined as a dictionary, where classes got the @@type prefix and getter props the @@= prefix. They are inserted into the layer stack of the maplibre context. Therefore, you can also pass a beforeId prop.

Here is an example corresponding to the Deck.GL GridLayer API Example:

grid_layer = {
    "@@type": "GridLayer", # JS: new GridLayer
    "id": "my-awsome-grid-layer",
    "data": "",
    "extruded": True,
    "getPosition": "@@=COORDINATES", # JS: d => d.COORDINATES
    "getColorWeight": "@@=SPACES", # JS: d => d.SPACES
    "getElevationWeight": "@@=SPACES", # JS: d => d.SPACES
    "elevationScale": 4,
    "cellSize": 200,
    "pickable": True,
    "beforeId": "first-labels-layer" # optional

The Code above will generate the following JavaScript code:

const gridLayer = new GridLayer({
  id: 'GridLayer',
  data: '',
  extruded: true,
  getPosition: d => d.COORDINATES,
  getColorWeight: d => d.SPACES,
  getElevationWeight: d => d.SPACES,
  elevationScale: 4,
  cellSize: 200,
  pickable: true

See also: